Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Brief Update

I got the promotion.

Oh, and while my weight fluctuation is driving me a bit mad, my body fat is down 2% more.

Good times.

Back to doing 2 people's jobs now. . . .


Cory said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so glad to hear that you got your promotion. That is fantastic.

Congrats on the drop in body fat as well.

Sarah said...

Congratulations on the promotion! You are a great example for women showing that we need to be assertive in the work place and ask for what we want.

Brigitte said...

congratulations on the promotion. When we ask for what we want, we get it.

Anonymous said...

Go Veggie!!!!!!

CSMC, Dynamo360

Anonymous said...

Congratuations! You totally deserve it and I admire you for going for that promotion!!!


Kim L said...

Congrats on the promotion! I so resemble and appreciate you being so short with words. Sorry you're so busy!

Grumpy Chair said...

Yay to you on the promotion! And the decrease in body fat!

Salma Gundi said...

Congratulations :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're doing well, chickie. Exciting news, indeed.


Kim said...


Linds said...

I've been popping in... sorry about the lack of commenting though. I had a comment typed out the other day, and it got erased and I gave up!

Congrats on the running! When i read that i was like WOW! Also, congrats on the promotion!

TrixieBelden said...

Congratulations! That is awesome!