Thursday, June 28, 2007

This really sucks

I just got a phone call from my new otolaryngologist’s office. (Wendy Smith in Blairsville, GA, is the doctor, and she is GREAT–which I rarely say that about any doctors.) It turns out I have regular and/or latent food allergies to eggs, dairy, tomatoes, soy, corn, and wheat . . . among other foods. If I remember correctly, she (the nurse) said my egg, wheat, and soy allergies were the worst food ones. She told me that I was very unusual in that I tested positive for everything she tested.

I know I’ll figure this out, but the question right now is . . . what the hell am I going to eat? And yes, I do realize, practically speaking, that I have options like rice, oats, etc. I think Dan and I are going to have to start eating meat at home again– meat from well-treated, no-hormones-added animals from sustainably practicing local organic farms, but meat nonetheless–because I don’t see a way around it. I have a tendency toward anemia as it is, so I don’t know what else to do for adequate protein if dairy, soy, and eggs are out.


Marathon Someday said...

Wow, sorry about all those allergies.

Protein is a toughie if soy and dairy are out, but here are a few suggestions:
- brown rice (high in protein)
- ground hemp/flax/maca - it's a protein available in a lot of health food stores, and in the form of a shake.
- the obvious - lentils - of any kind (chick-peas, kidney beans, black beans, etc.)
- Gluten - but I think that's a wheat-based protein, so perhaps it won't work...

I know some vegans try and live a soy-free life as well (not for ethical reasons, but more b/c of health concerns with soy) - so you could try and do some research on what they eat for protein.

Anonymous said...


Your hubby will love having more lentils in his life!

There's a lady you could check out for her wheat-alternative ideas:

Hmm... this calls for a search for protein that will accommodate your allergies! That's a toughie.

Brigitte said...

Allergies are an evil thing. What I have found very useful is buying the book from Brendan Brazier, thrive. It is full of recipes for gluten, soy free meals and it is vegan.

Unknown said...

I was about to suggest the chickpeas, kidney beans, blackbeans, etc that Sonya did - so I'm all out of ideas.

Good luck with finding out what's there, those allergies sound like a big bummer :-(

Nuka said...

Jeez VP that really is awful.

Yeah I'll send the feelers out to my vegan friends and see if they can think of a way around the meat vs soy issue.

La Tea Dah said...

I'm sorry about all the allergies --- but you can do it! Our family has had some major food adjustments in recent years as well, and at first you feel totally lost, but as time goes on, it becomes manageable. There are TONS of recipes that can help you out on a Yahoo group (check out the 'files' section --- the soy free recipes are even tagged/identified). The recipes contain no wheat, barley, rye, oats, eggs, dairy, fish, or meat --- so you can find lots that will be usable to you. Here's the link:

I hope to see you there!

Regarding the millet/rosemary recipe I posted on my blog. You can substitute rice or almond milk for the silken tofu, or add a puree of white beans instead. You might have to enhance the binding by adding garbanzo bean flour (or other while grain flour) or some ground flax seeds.

Let me know how it turns out. Good luck with your continued weight loss as well. You are doing great!

LaTeaDah from Gracious Hospitality

La Tea Dah said...

Protein: the old fashioned way is to combine any whole grain with legumes. The combination makes a complete protein. Nuts and seeds also are an excellent source of protein. All vegetables contain protein at some level as well. Protein levels can be met more than adequately this way, even without the use of wheat, corn, soy, diary, eggs, or meat. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi. Wow, that sure does make eating challenging. Good luck.

Sally JPA said...

Thanks for the support, y'all.

LaTea--off to check out the group now. Apparently it's
