Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another couple of non-scale victories

I visited the allergist today. I was curious how my measurements would come out there. The nurse didn't measure my weight, but I was able to (proudly! since it's dropping!) tell her what it was when she asked. My blood pressure was 118 over 65--"enviable," the nurse said. She also said my pulse, at 64 beats per minute, was strong.

My pulse has had about a drop of about 10 beats per minute from when I was at my highest weight and not really exercising a couple of years ago. My blood pressure has been in a great range since I started eating mostly vegetarian (no meat at home, and very little meat not at home) a little over a year ago.

These are the kinds of victories that matter immensely but can be hard to consider important. High blood pressure, heart disease, strokes: all of those run in my family on my dad's side. Taking care of myself now--should I continue to do so, which is definitely the plan--will pay off in the short-term through things like looking cuter in jeans, but it will also pay off in the long term when it comes to quality of life for me and my husband as we grow older.

If you're curious about what blood pressures can mean, look at this interesting chart. And if you are curious how your current habits are potentially affecting your lifespan, visit this website and fill out the info. If I continue my current healthy habits--vegetarian eating, vigorous exercise nearly daily, no smoking, positive relationships, etc.--I am projected to have a natural lifespan of 98 years! I would have had a very different result with my habits several months ago.


Linds said...

Congratulations! I find that sometimes non scale victories can be just as motivating as seeing a drop on the scale. It's a little reminder that the things you are doing are really working!!! YAY!

Cory said...

Congrats! That's some wonderful news!!!! That kind of info in just as motivating, if not more so, than the scale drop!

Chris H said...

98? Wow, that's impressive, hope you do have a long and productive, happy life... I too have found huge health benefits from losing weight and taking up exercise, the best one being I actually WANT TO LIVE now!

Mal said...

I was really excited today to find that my blood pressure at the doctor's office was also lower than usual -- 105 over 68. Yay! I'm really inspired by the way you've worked to change your life and stuck with it this year. Yay!

celtic_girl said...

I get a buzz out of non scale achievments as well, like fitting my butt into a chair that was a no-no before I lost or not having to turn sideays in the hall when passing someone else.
So, congrats on your non scale achievement!

Marathon Someday said...

Congratulations - doesn't it feel amazing that all of your hard work is paying off? And the best part is, your health isn't ruled by the scale. 98 years is amazing. Makes me realize how much we take for granted - each day of healthy living makes a big difference.

Way to go!

Oh - and the recipe looks amazing, except that I'm a strict vegetarian so the animal fat is a no-no for me (plus, I'm not even sure if they sell that chili mix in Canada!). And, I just need to find a substitute for the egg in the cornbread. But it all looks delish!

Anonymous said...

Veggie, it sounds like you've really got your life on track and you're doing great! Even though I'm overweight and out of shape, I also have low blood pressure and an excellent heart rate. Weird...

Take care,

Sally JPA said...

Thanks, y'all. :)

Sonya, one of my friends uses vegan egg replacer in baked goods and says they come out fine. The only thing that occasionally is noticeable is a very mild sour flavor from citric acid or something in it.

Georgia Girl said...

That is wonderful!

You are inspiring me. Good job on Couch-2-5K!